Donald Trump is not the problem – he’s the symptom | openDemocracy

Trump is what happens when you fail to understand our global problems in their interconnected, systemic context.

This, in a nutshell is the analysis brillantly made in this article.

I think it should be read. It  goes beyond what is currently being written, and that frustrates me so much.

The new science, hard and soft, together with the emergent process and practical philosophy, complex systemic thinking, offers “systems intelligent” (Saarinen and Hamalaïnen) new ways of  perceiving and thinking.

Everything looks different  in a process-oriented view emphasizing evolving systems as an integral part of evolution. Here ethics not subject to revelation; it rather is experienced directly by way of the dynamics of self-organizing and creative processes (I paraphraze here the ideas of Erich Jantsch, as set forth in Charper 16, page 263, of  his groundbreaking 1980 book: “The Self Organizing Universe”

It is deeply conforting to read this article. I recommend it to all people of good will who are trying to make sense of our fast evolving world, that some are qualifying as rthe “Third Disruption” (Otto Scharmer)

Rest us now to transform thinking in acting: It is whar we try to achieve in the ZERI and the Blue Economy Networks.

Source: Donald Trump is not the problem – he’s the symptom | openDemocracy

About charlesvanderhaegen

My life purpose is to contribute to re-aligning the “Human Condition” and “Relational Practices” to a Regenerative and Resilient “Evolutionary Vision” with a “cosmopolitical” impact. Catalysing cooperative practices between people and institutions. Building bridges and common sense between distinct and radically opposed world views and opinions. Allowing the emergence of mutually satisfactory resilient and peaceful solutions to complex wicked problems, whatever their nature. Transforming them into lasting symbiotic relationships. Sowing germs for positive change with lasting impact towards the Future. Embodying experiential learning and pursuing collective action according to a radical, speculative, additive, inclusive, collective, altruist, open, responsible, respectful, comprehending, appreciative, common sense engaged Empirism… Catalysing bottom-up solutions, transforming existing local, situated wicked problem into collaboratively emerging creative interdependent combinations of apparently dissociated circumstances into “cosmopolitical” nature with “evolutionary vision”. The origin of my transformation can be found in comprehending the wisdom underlying Einstein’s words”: “Insanity, doing the same thing over and again and expecting different results” Since 2000 I've been tracking the weak and not so weak signals that indicate the deep changes happening in society, systematically searching and studying those ideas, people and initiatives at the edge of all aspects of life with emphasis on what is not listened to and responded to. Between 2012 and early 2019, during my 8 years with Gunter Pauli and his promoting his Blue Economy “concept“, I experienced the wickedness of NOT coherently catalyse the emergence of radical change. It was traumatic and ruinous for me (and others), yet it opened my eyes, obliging me to reposition myself. I embarked on a propaedeutic experimental learning experience that transformed itself into never-ending empiric fermentation processes (with no end ever). I am confident to have found, at last, an opportunity to applying the learnings of 50 years of multifarious professional and private experiences. Let me share the simple yet most effective wisdom that has allowed me to remain resilient in every circumstance that I had to face: “Experience is not what happens to you, it is what you do with what happens to you” Otto Scharmer “Always Learning, never getting it right” Michael Thompso
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